Sunday, September 21, 2008

1994 LLEDO Campbell's Soup Company Truck, 125th Anniversary Die Cast Model 1:64

In 1869, one Campbell Soup company was founded, the nation was still recovering from the Civil War. The coasts of the half explored constant had just been linked by the first transcontinental railroad. Dauntless adventures, inventors and entrepreneurs were discovering a world of new resources. Advancements in technology, that would have been on imaginable only a few years earlier, introduce new ideas and convinces that would soon become necessities in the American way of life.
Today, Campbell Soup company is extremely proud of the tradition of providing consumers worldwide with high-quality, great tasting foods.
In celebrating 125th anniversary, we honor more than this grand tradition. We also celebrate the greatness of America that has enabled us to grow from humble beginnings to producers of the most successful food product in history-A product which still represents wholesomeness, value in something quintessentially American to all of the world.

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