Saturday, September 21, 2013

Covelight AcceleRacers: Silencerz Hot Wheels 1:64

From Fandom:
 Part of the Silencerz team in the AcceleRacers series, and is seen in the movies. It first appeared during the Metro Realm in Speed of Silence disguised as a realm car and then an RD-02 . The second appearance was in the Ice Realm where it was disguised as an RD-02 again and then Chicane. In Breaking Point, it appears in the Neon Pipeline Realm, and then in the Junk Realm, disguised as Battle Spec, which Taro slams off the road, allowing Kurt to complete the realm. It later appears in the Cosmic Realm and eventually in the AcceleDrome during The Ultimate Race.

It appears in Hot Wheels: Beat That! as a playable vehicle based on the 2006 AcceleRacers Series.

The car is powered by a 6 Liter V12 with twin sequential superchargers in AcceleRacers, producing 600 horsepower. The car's frame is made of lost wax cast aluminum that is bonded to carbon fiber body panels. Covelight has 22" front wheels and 24" back wheels.

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