Monday, September 7, 2020

1989 Ford Taurus SHO 1:25 ERTL Robocop

Un 1989 Ford Taurus SHO de la marca ERTL esccala 1:25, un buen auto en sus años, esté es un modelo para coleccionistas. Un Ford Taurus que recuerdo haya sido famoso es el que usa como patrulla el departamento de policía de Detroit en la pelicula de Robocop.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

1971 Datsun Bluebird 510 Hot Wheels 1:64 Imai Racing

From Fandom:

The Datsun Bluebird 510 sedan, also known as the "Poor man's BMW", was one of the most popular Datsun cars ever made. Built from 1967-1973, the Datsun Bluebird 510 was also known as the Datsun 1600, Datsun 1500, Datsun 1300 and simply Datsun Bluebird. The Datsun Bluebird 510 was originally designed by the Nissan-Datsun company in Japan. The Name "Bluebird 510" was only used in Canada and the United States.

The casting was retooled twice; once in 2016 for RLC use where it gained an opening hood, and once in 2019 for the mainline where the original construction was modified for cost cutting, becoming a post-post design instead of a post-tab design.


Friday, August 7, 2020

1968 AMX Javelin 1:24 Racing Champions.

A car Javelin AMX 1968 in scale 1:24 Racing Champions with defects of fabrication in split metal chest and fallen paint. This car is number 0424 of 3999.